January 8, 2024August 26, 2024Robotics, ROS2 DexHand – Open Source Dexterous Humanoid Hand Videos What is the DexHand Project? The DexHand is an Open Source, Dexterous Humanoid Hand originally created by Rob Knight of The […]
January 8, 2024January 8, 2024Robotics Tormach ZA-6 Industrial Robot Beta and Machine Tending Experiments Overview of the Project We were fortunate to be selected as a Beta customer for the ZA-6 Industrial Robot released by Tormach. […]
November 21, 2022November 21, 2022ROS2, Turtlebot4, Uncategorized Adding UDEV Rules for Luxonis OAK-D Depth Camera to TurtleBot4 Lite Having trouble connecting to your OAK-D camera on the TurtleBot4? It might need UDEV rules for the device in order for ROS to be able to see it.
November 8, 2022November 8, 2022ROS2, Turtlebot4 Adding Joystick Control To TurtleBot4 Lite Edition Setting up a Bluetooth Joystick on the TurtleBot4 Lite Edition involves a few tricks and modifications to the ROS install. We cover how to do it in this article.
November 6, 2022November 8, 2022ROS2, Turtlebot4 How Does the ROS2 Turtlebot4 Service Launch When the TurtleBot Boots Up? How exactly does ROS get launched when the TurtleBot4 boots up? We take a look at the inner workings in this post.